Nepali community Seattle

 A couple of folks and I, mostly dudes by a large majority, went to Kent, WA to attend the Seattle Area Nepali Community Picnic where they had free Nepali food (!) including goat meat, watermelon, bingo, lots of dancing to Nepali music and stalls for other various Nepali organizations, including a Nepali hikers groups in the region, which turns out is quite large. Not that it's a surprise, we are naturally inclined to climb mountains I want to say, and it'd probably backed by the fact that the way it was there, most active members of the groups were middle-aged uncles and aunties, my parents' age, who I bet would kick my ass in hiking.

And we danced to a bunch of Nepali songs in the round ringa-ringa-ring, there were a tonnne of cuties who were Nepali who probably came with their fam and weren't married that we looked at and didn't talk to because the cutie wearing the denim dress with the nice camera left way early even though she was the one who invited us to dance and yes G was interested in the girl in shades with really bright pink dress on and there was literally zero reason for him to not go and talk to her but ah I guess that's how things are. Next Sunday at Volunteer Park they're doing an event and I'm thinking of showing up with my picnic blanket and reader and drinks and being a part of the party too.

All in all, everything considered, I rather liked the group here in Seattle, of course they have found themselves in their present situation under very different circumstances from where we started from, and they've adapted differently, and in the past, a very recent one too, I'd have been quite judgmental -- rightly for my sake, if I may say so -- and considered it a bit 'too much', and said that when I'm in presence of too toooo many Nepalis I have trouble breathing. Which might still be true, maybe in a presence of certain kind of Nepalis in large enough numbers my anxiety has a dampening effect on my breathing, but this group was extremely chill, manageable, they didn't do the 'chief guest speech' bs, there was very little wasting time and faffing about, the event was very well organized and coordinated and I really liked the whole vibe. Something I haven't claimed before, so this is definitely, so to speak, hot off the presses.

I liked the vibe of the Nepali Community Seattle organized group and I'm looking forward to attending their future events, including possibly hiking with large groups in the future.

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