Hurty legs

 After carrying 16+ pounds of weight on my backpack with several issues during the trip, my Mt. Si hike was a success. But the consequences were alright. As in, knee pain once again!

The next day I still did like 15k steps, but the day after there were zero steps, because the knee hurts way way too much, even after all the practice I've been doing walking, I guess that's not enough, one needs to practice with weights as well. I need to be doing weight training for the knees, but also walk with weights on. It was not just me though, ND had his legs hurting the day after too, and 36 hours after returning, after he returned to Singapore, he sent a message saying his legs had pretty much locked up, which was saying a lot because he hikes a lot, lot lot.

I guess Mt. Si was really hard, though we did it in a reasonable time.

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