The giraffe learns a hard lesson

Character: The Giraffe was loved to drink and party. And when he got rowdy he often didn't listen to his friends. But also he was kind and nice, and would buy drinks for everybody. And he was a regular volunteer at the local religious organization and the food bank. He also donated thirty percent of his weekly income to the homelessness coalition, an organization helping rehouse local homeless people.

Personification: However, every time he got drunk he would stop listening to his friends, and take of his underpants, and put back his trousers. Every time. People were super duper weirded out by it, but hey he was a pretty decent guy otherwise and he wasn't hurting otherwise and no goddamn way he was a sexual predator, he wasn't that kind of person. But people would often tell him to really put his underpants on because one day he'd get into trouble but in his drunken stupor he wouldn't listen to them.

One day there was a large party in his dormroom and he went and drank a lot. Danced with a bunch of people, did weed and drank more. He was getting out hand. His friends told him, hey giff, gotta take control, please don't get wild and take off your underpants again but he wouldn't listen. He went to the restroom and did exactly that.

Conflict: The Giraffe doesn't want to listen to his friends, and gets drunk and crazy, he takes his pants off before leaving. He tries to fart at the department store at three in the morning, but accidentally shits. He forgets he didn't have his underpants on, so he shits on his pants and it gets all over the floor. The police is called, he's ticketed for multiple violations, and the media makes fun of him.

Moral: Don't go into a department store without your underpants on.

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