Fruitfly troubles and compost mismanagement part deux

Right as ND came to Seattle and I showed him, the fruitflies were almost gone, I set up a couple of traps and that was the end of it.

Then it turned out my compost bin was compromised, and the regular trash was used or snacking my the tiny little buggers. I didn't do any groceries or cooking through the entire week pretty much but that meant I didn't really go to y kitchen. As a result, there was a serious re-infestation of fruitflies, the second time in two weeks and now I'm fucked, setout the traps yet again.

That means I'm going to get rid of the concept of composting, and use regular trash, throw it out more regularly, instead of saving for the compost bin. Also got much smaller trashbag so I'm forced to throw it out way more often and lesser chance for the flies to breed.

Also my entire gd house tastes like fermented compost, just ready to get rid of the whole thing. So much scented candles now. Just to reset the smells in the hosue.

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