The best goddamn ramen I've made: Green Thai Curry Shin Ramyun with kefir in it

 Posts of this nature have often gone into the journal section because I don't like writing about what an awesome cook I am -- I'm not, by the way -- or write about food that tasted great once because of the circumstances surrounding the meal but tasted awful later. There's a lot of variability around amateur cooking and it's a complicated matter to call any individual dish great on a single attempt.

But maaan, I made a great fucking fantastic green thai curry shin ramyun dish yesterday, and had leftovers, which I headed with large chunks of mozzarella earlier this evening and this is not too much of an exaggeration when I say: it was heaven. Really, truly.

All I did was, boil some water. Put shin ramyun in the green curry i'd cooked, along with the dehydrated veggies that come in the pack, vinegar nd soy sauce, plus a little bit of sichuan pepper because it hurt nobody. And of course fried garlic at the end. Also lots of oil, vegetable oil as well as sesame oil in the end. Possibly tahini too, though I don't clearly remember.

It was heaven, it really was. The Thai curry I'd cooked with kefir in it instead of coconut milk and it's definitely not as mild and creamy as they have it, it's actually quite salty and spicy because I clearly used way more of the paste than is recommended, but perhaps I've accidentally created a mother sauce that can be used in anything now?

Some more points: the idea of putting tofu in it was genius, it tastes incredible, I gotta cook more, LOTS more with tofu and mushrooms, yum yum yum. Partly cooked mozzarella tastes a lot like meat and adds an interesting texture to cooked vegetarian food and one must try to incorporate it in dishes like these even as an experiment.

Good times. Gooood times!

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