I've gone to Barboza a couple of times now, originally at Sk's request, and on all occasions with him but the more I go the more it's looking like we might be going there lots more often. For a couple of reasons.
First, it's a lot less uhhh let's say grimey and dive-barlike than our old favourite ChaCha's. Second, they've got way roomier place to sit down and one can always chill and talk to folks if one's not interesting in hanging or dancing. Third, there's always dance nights happening particularly in the weekends unlike ChaCha's which is a bar and nobody ever dances, ever ever. Fourth the fees are pretty low if not free on the weekends. Fifth, the crowd is way, how do I saw, less scene and more mainstream than ChaCha's and also way more relaxed. There's also many many out-of-towners in there which reduces the 'tourist' failure, plus the townies don't have their strong groups in there yet. Sixth, the music is always very white-people poppy which yes does sound like a downside and it is kinda' but also it's the sort of music you can rely on to not fail and if you're listening to all the summer hits fifty percent of the music is something you've heard before and can dance to. Also if you're tired of it, there's way less intense place upstairs. Plus people don't come try to rub against you and give you space, which is not something that can be said about a bazillion other places.
So I'm beginning to like Barboza a lot more, I bet in the coming days you'll find me appreciating this place a lot more. I write this on a Saturday and we're planning to go there this evening, so here you go. We also planned to go the night before but I slept super early oops guys that was on me, sorry sorry!
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