Timely golf, fruit-based lunch, nap, hang in the park with all the pals, roti-tarkari dinner and tv, late to bed and vacation day Monday [Sun 28]

 Got up at an unfortunately early 7am and couldn't go back to sleep because our golf appointment was at 10 and I didn't wan to miss that. And then when it was far too late, tried to go to sleep again because I knew the day would be fucked if I was groggy and had headache all day long.

Went golfing with BC, did couple of really good shots, and performed really poor at putting. I'm glad we're getting some putting practice, because otherwise I'd overestimate my golf capabilities because of improved driving skills.

Got home, had a couple of fruits for lunch, and napped, I literally couldn't keep my eyes open.

After I got up, showered because I stunk like a skunk and carried my new and never used-before picnic blanket to the park. Metup with the boys, hung out with them for like half an hour, and then PG and Y also showed up so I hung out with them for the rest of the time.

We were there until 6.30 ish, talked to home on my way back. Was too hungry and tired to talk to anybody, but I called and we had a phonecall for two hours. Some things need to be figured out and timeline have been given and the december deadline might be a big deal.

So anyway I didn't feel like writing or working the next day so sent an email to coworkers saying I wouldn't be showing up on Monday. Then heated up the tofu green curry which yes I still have and it was frozen it's not a big deal, with two naans in so much butter. Added shredded mozzrella to everything.

Didn't feel like sleeping despite my eyes hurting with sleep and ended up going to bed at 2.30 in the morning. Talked to international friends until then, they were pretty fun!

So Monday was off and I've come to realize maybe three-day weekends should be a thing at this point because man I can barely get any catching up of normal lifestyle in the two days. Like friday should be a 'relax from the trauma of the week' day, saturday be the party day, and sunday relax from the party day, and finally fully recharged on Monday. Sounds like something I should pursue.

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