I fucked up with the fruitflies, and the eggs

 So I fucked up. Two fuckups.

First, I accidentally put my carton of eggs, with three remaining eggs in the freezer. They all froze, and I had to use them in ramen, all three of them. Which is fine whatever, but it's really hard to judge doneness when you're starting with frozen eggs, so they were all overcooked and gross, obviously I still ate, but I feel bad about the eggs, sorry eggs.

The second is the trash situation. It comes in two parts, one could argue they're two separate fuckups but I think not. So I've been trying to compost my organic waste lately, I got one of those biodegradable bags where I've been storing my kitchen waste. Since all the wet and yummy waste was going to the compost with its lid on, I got careless with regular trash, figuring fruitflies wouldn't be attracted since we'd only have plastic and mostly dry paper there. How wrong I was, on both occasions.

So turns out the biodegradable plastic I put in the bucket has biodegrated, aka melted away and now my bucket is exposed, which I'm really bummed about because now I'll need to handle the trash with my own dirty hands, It's unclear if I still can throw it in the compost bin or if it should be trashed at this point. So that's a gross situation.

And my level of comfort with regular trash without organic waste was misguided it appears, because there's a fruitfly infestation going in my apartment, yet again, thanks to the goddamn trash basket that took forever to fill and still housed those nasties. The fucking thing I hate about the situation is I'm going well and running happily and they don't bother me, and just when I'm about to have a guest over, like WC a couple of weeks ago, and ND this time around, there's a massive infestation in the apartment, and I have to explain to my guests I'm not some pathetic grosso who lives like this all the time.

For the fruitflies I've implemented pretty aggressive elimination plan. Got rid of the old trash, set three traps all over the kitchen, and have manually killed by the 'clapping' method, at least a couple of dozen of them. I'm guessing I've disrupted their breeding cycle, and hoping the population required for breeding, in case they do find a reasonably suitable situation still, doesn't work out. Otherwise, I might need to use chemicals etcetera. Which i don't want to, at all, but if it comes to that it comes to that.

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