Leftover noodle lunch, surprise pizza double lunch, unexpected meeting, volunteer-interlaken round, writing, dessert and food with WC at Regent Cafe, Rachel's ginger beer and long convos [Wed 24]

The work was super low, spent the entire day doing basically nothing but at least I was not on the timewasting websites so feel super good about this. Man I really need to fix my sleep and work cycle, and my energy level is in a weird place, all my walks are kinda' low energy lately and I can't figure out what the hell is up. I'm thinking I'm just extremely unmotivated, or that the heat which is now in the late eighties which is quite hot for late August, is messing my groove.

For lunch I heated the leftover noodles from the night before with a bunch of mozzarella, and as always it was yum yum yum. Then a couple of hours late I see several missed calls and a text from doordash telling me there's a pizza on my way. I go down and there was a box of pizza outside the building. Turns out I'd signed up for a 'pizza meeting' several months ago for this time period and I'd completely forgotten about it. Despite not being hungry at all, I ate several slices of it and attended the meeting that came with it even though I was not planning to. Felt good, yum yum, the pizza was really juicy, I gotta order from that place again. Review incoming later.

Did the volunteer-interlaken round, the usual except the energy level was low so I kept taking rests and so it took longer than usual. Came back to my place but the heat and the energy level didn't let me enough time to clean the apartment, to invite Wc who I was going to be meeting later back in after we'd gotten dinner. So the plan was just to meet and chill elsewhere.

Met Wc at Regent cafe and he ordered dinner, I ordered mooncake. It was pretty decent, I'm not sure what mooncakes are meant to taste like but the yolk was far too salty. The red bean paste was not sweet enough. It's a decent enough place, I can check it a couple of more times for Chinese bakery. WC said his food was great. The prices were were decent, the ambience was fine. I might go there for bakery items for when I don't feel like going to Chinatown.

After Regent, we got drinks at Rachel's Gingerbeer, spent couple of hours having intense conversations, very heart to heart, funtimes were had. Man all the cute girls go in there, I gotta go there more often with other friends, or find excuses to hang more generally and talk to those cuties.

In any case, walked a couple of blocks away from there to WC's car, and wc left at elevenish. Came back, watched youtube, read stuff and went to bed at a bit after 12. I guess it was too late to go to bed which is why I slept the entire following day, but it wasn't necessary, really it's just a messed up schedule.Also the girls left for SD, they're going to be back in a week and we gotta celebrate certain birthdays.

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