Golf with BC, ramen dinner, apartment cleaning, long walk, new route, podcasts, living room sleeps [Sun 7]

 Got up at 7am because I'd accidentally gone to bed hella early at night, since sleeping in the living room is so incredibly, unfairly easy. Chilled, started cleaning the house etc, Bc said she was gonna be coming only at 10, so waited until then, got picked up, we drove to the driving range. My performance was so-so, but the later shots were incredible, I'm definitely improving but my pace is slower than everybody else I can compare to. To make for our shit shots, we putted around a couple of holes in their green, learned that golf is as much about maintaining mental composure and not getting hopeless as it is about the physical and getting your shots right.

Cleaned the apartment, went to the Arboretum-Interlaken-Volunteer round, in the evening had ramen for dinner. Started cleaning the apartment because ND was coming soon. Ate a lot, and I mean a lot lot lot of berries during my walk, which is why what I thought would take 2, maybe 2.5 hours max of walk took me almost 3 hours, I feel like I can do the largest possible interlaken-arb-volunteer loop in 2.5-3 hours if I focused on it.

In the evening, wrote a bit, I think, maybe not, and slept earlier than I would because the next morning was work and needed to get up on time. Also it's hella hard to not fall asleep in the living room for some really strange reason.

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