Near-future travel plans

 I realize writing about travel plans is pointless because I keep making them and not following any due to the restrictions caused economically by the general climate but also visa situation etcetera. But still.

I'm planning to go to the East cost for about 40-50 days starting in late September. Tickets are, how you say, extremely reasonable. Land in IAD, fly back from DCA, the in-between stuff will be figured out. Go up to Philly, definitely, not sure if I'll make it up as far as Boston, gotta meet and hang with IA, and the rest of the gang, so something to consider there.

Then in late November, the plan is to go to Texas for celebrating thanksgiving. Hopefully Sb will join me, but even if not, there's a big family to celebrate with.

Ideally by Christmas time and new years my visa situation will have partly sorted itself out and I'll be able to travel internationally to Kathmandu to renew my visa, If not, I'll wait for that to happen, and then come back, get EU visa and travel around Europe, plop my ass down in one of the cheaper European Capitals, that's what I'm thinking.

We'll see how things work out.

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