Kefir smoothie lunch, quinoa-curry dinner, voluteer-interlaken loop, I pay the bills and cancel things and schedule medical appointments, reading comedy book, heavy writing and work work in evening, early to bed[Tue 30]

 I write this the afternoon of the next day and lemme tell you it's hot as balls once again even though it's September. The seasons have gone mad, that's all I can say thank you very much.

Work was lazy and productive as always, man I need to get my work mojo back.

For lunch I had smoothie.

Wrote a bunch, meditated and showered after work. Went to volunteer-interlaken loop. Chilled at the park for a bit, ate a lot of berries, called a lot of people in the evening to wish happy teej.

After walk came back, cancelled my utilities in Boston, paid a bunch of bills I had to pay, and scheduled my medical appointment. Read the Greg Dean comedy book. Wrote a bunch in the evening, ate quinoa and curry for dinner. Spent like an hour doing work work, because nothing was done during the day. Went to bed at a pretty respectable time around 10.30 though it was so incredibly fucking hot during the night I had nightmares and couldn't sleep well. Maybe cos' I was sleeping in my bedroom haha.

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