Leg recovery day, kimchi fried rice lunch, watering the plants, naps, cleaning up the house [Tue 16]

 I'm writing this two days after this.

This was a very slow day, at work, and in life.

I spent the entire goddamn fucking day on reddit and the orange site reading about the war in the East and other things, man when I'm not on my proper schedule I turn into the lazy bum that Anthony Bourdain warned us about, I gotta runaway from that guy. Also had a meeting with nonprofit people about the release house volunteering etc.

But also I think it was fine because the day before when I walked around town in my knee pads, they hurt really bad, the knees I mean and not the pads, so I guess giving one day of non-walking and rest to your knees isn't the worst thing in the world.

For lunch I had kimchi fried rice, fried the rice with kimchi.

Took lots of naps during the day, and finally cleaned up my living room and bedroom plus the kitchen, owning my place like I should have long time ago.

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