Good news bad news

 The good news is, I got solid catchup done with a tonne of folks I hadn't talked to in a long while, it was refreshing, enlightening, awakening.

The bad news is, I haven't slept for more than a couple of short hours for the past three days, first because I was up all night talking on the phone, and then later because my sleep cycle was so fucked up, nothing could go straight.

Which made me get in a terrible mood, the solution to which is always either napping or going into deep youtube whole, the latter of which happened to me in this shitty instance where I was watching JerrySpringer-like youtube videos from Nepal and that threw me into deep deep well of self-loathing and disappointment with everything, and sadness, procrastination all of that, so the meditations, that have been so helpful in maintaining composure, were ignored. So one bad thing after another. Now that I'm back home, I'm back on the meditation game, feeling better already, need a nice sleep and things will be back to normal. Just need to get some sound sleep.

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