This is all I got in me right now, sorry to you all

 I'm in no mood to write right now, the state of this goddamn country is depressing, I haven't had good sleep for completely unrelated reasons, and then there's just...something in the air, even though days should be technically longer now, it doesn't feel that way. Work's been 'real', the focus has been great but that means I'm not writing here. I feel adrift. It's the sleep I know, it sucks balls, really big fat stinking balls. Allow me dear reader, yes you, the only one who ever comes here, to complain.

The experiments with rice, and just adding things to a bowl of rice have been going great, mad mad props to me, I'm proud of how exciting those trials have been. Had one of those oatmeal pancakes again after a really long time, with the 100% vermont maple syrup that friend of the hosue I brought from his hometown in VT and howdyy it was so great, I should be having more pancakes!

Tried buying a sleep aid today, couldn't because the goddamn walgreens store I went to had shut down, and I couldn't locate what I was looking CVS. Bummer. Maybe things will go back to normal tonight. I can hope.

Gonna write another halfassed bullshit and then just to bed it is. At least I'm keeping at it.

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