The Speaker Meets with His Majesty on Matters of Grave National Importance

 "Your Majesty, as we were conversing earlier, the parliament has instructed me to communicate to your majesty on their behalf, that it is the expectation of the Nepali people that their sovereign be a symbol of peace unity and power, and not... a symbol of cheap mass-media popularity, giving out interviews in a casual manner to just any foreign media without properly co-ordinating with other state apparatuses, and appearing in some strange dressing for the benefit of publicity. It is their desire that the Privy Council have a greater say in the matter of public relations between Your Majesty and the media, as well as the common folks, and in most terms be mostly scripted."

"But Mr. Speaker, was our Grandfather, the King Regent and the-then King who went out all across the country and met the normal people and interacted with them on a personal basis and heard what they had to say and tried implementing it? While our power may be in name only, it is our desire to follow His Highness's steps in our relationship with the people"

"Your Majesty, you will then also remember that His Highness was deposed of, twice in his lifetime. And My Lord's point only makes the Parliament's argument stronger, in that even at the height of his power, his absolute control of the state, His Highness was unable to take much actions as a result of his interactions with people. To put it differently, such interactions are just show, like the elephant has teeth to show and a separate teeth to eat. And any sort of public feedback is moot, for the people have elected to have chosen to put Your Majesty in your current position not as a publicly elected leader to fulfill their everyday demands such as they do with elected politicians, but as a symbol of peace unity and continuation of culture, something the cheapening of the House of Shah will undermine if there is a continuation of such actions with regards to the public relations going onwards. People want to respect, they want to admire, they need an institution to worship. They are not looking for a best friend, they are not looking for somebody to implement rules and regulations."

"In that case, what exactly is my mandate then, why have people put me in the current situation if not for any other reason than to listen to them and help implement their wishes with the government?"

"It is my understanding, verified by our various govermental agencies as well as various parliamentary committees that any intention of serving people with a mandate and fulfilling wishes is to be satisfied by running in the general elections every five years, being voted upon through the parliamentary process, and coming to the government. With regards to Your Majesty's position, it is a position of great an unique opportunity, to represent the people, understand who they are and present a face of unified country with their voice to external powers, and not to, if I may say so, attempt to undermine institutions that have actually been elected"

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