Ten really really ambitious goals I have right now, don't care if I achieve them or not

  1. Let's get that popup restaurant opened, then a full-service restaurant, and then a nanobrewery to go along that serves traditional Nepali fermented beverages

  2. Oh the job at the team that looks after all of this, that will hopefully may me an insane amount of money, to allow me to fund the rest of my life

  3. Keep inviting awesome nurse friends to my place, and eventually have their nurse friends, cute single women come in and end up with one of them?

  4. Become more involved with the local Library system, helping them setup a couple of really aggressive projects that everyone's going to appreciate.

  5. Get a couple of levels of promotion in my current job, for the sort of work I actually enjoy doing, and not the sort of stuff they need me to get done.

  6. How about a yearlong or even two yearlong journey to remote parts of Nepal to collect recipes, stories and thoughts, and write several books on food culture and history of mountain peoples.

  7. Get better at golfing and standup, play 9-18 holes competently

  8. Write more, publish a novel (or five) soonish, or at least complete one

  9. Backpacking tour around Europe or other cool places

  10. Own a property and maybe a business in Portugal

  11. Buy parents and family a nice comfortable center-of-everything house that is optimized for their mobility and sociability situation

  12. Be more confident, and lot less anxious about everything

  13. Editor, a proper paid editor for my website

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