Cooking cool things again, newpath, work-in and work-out, midday naps [Tue 2]

 I'm writing this the afternoon of the next day, a day which has also been quite productive. Which is not really relevant to this particular day but let's egg on.

Morning, I skipped most of the meetings, got bored with the super challenging work that if I don't finish I'll get in a lot of trouble at work but it's not working and there's very little I could do so I played age of empires, got in a few meetings, tried fixing a few things and called it a day.

In the afternoon I read a bunch of books in my ebook reader.

For lunch I cooked up tricolor quinoa with so much butter in the rice cooker. It tasted exactly like coconut rice. For curry I started with the usual: mushroom, whole loads of it, garlic, and then kept adding onion, spices, salt and vinegar, frozen spinach, and finally kefir. And then lots of water, so it turned to kind of a soup-curry slurry thing. When eaten with the coconut-tasting quinoa it was exceedingly good.

Worked in and out throughout the day, because of the nature of the work I'm doing.

Napped a few short naps after work.

In the evening, went on a new walking route that took me about 2hr15 mins but I coulda done it in 2 hours if I'd wanted. Walked all the way to 19th St, went northwards from there until E Roy, and kept going until I hit the Arboretum. At Arboretum I headed North, and then back west to get caught up at Interlaken park. There I called my parents and talked to them, and kept walking. It was slightly longer than the standard 10k steps but somehow confusingly not by too much.

Back home, I drank lotsa water, wrote a bunch, and tried to go sleep but couldn't no matter how hard i tried, so i setup bed in the living room and slept there. Sleep was easy to come in the living room. At about 4am I got too cold and moved to the bedroom to sleep properly.

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