Golf, cafe argento lunch, barely writing, out to Brainbridge, beach and the parks and downtown Bainbridge, back and out early [Sat 6]

Got up pretty early mostly because I'd slept in the living room, something less discussed in these recent journal posts is that I've been unable to sleep in my bedroom for sometime recently but whenever I so much as try to get anything productive done, or what tv in my living room I will go on a long snooze, so embarrassing. So I've used that foible of mine in my favor and now sleep in the living room. Haven't had such sound sleep in a while.

Golf was pretty unproductive honestly the first thirty or so shots were awful, it was only later when I was trying to burn the balls I got pretty nice shots. I believe I'm getting better but might have reached a plateau of some sorts. Or maybe one day I'll suddenly discover actually I'm quite good at it. Not sure. In any case, said goodbye to Pb bro whose last session it was because he's going back to Chicago. Hope to see him again, good times were had!

On my walk back from the stop, I stopped by at Cafe Argento, waited for 30 minutes to get my veggie sandwich which was quite unfulfilling. Physically and emotionally.

Sat down to write, wrote a bunch of prompts and just about wrote when got a text from AR(e) about Bainbridge Island trip. Got up, got my ducks in a row, changed and walked to their place, we drove to the ferry, where we waited 2 hours because an awful lady put us last in the line despite us getting early. Trip to the Island was so chill, it was cool, and windy, we had loads of fun.

We went to downtown Bainbridge, I got icecream and molten chocolate cake, yum so good and sumptuous, totally worth the ten bucks, I guess it averaged out between the ice cream and the sandwich to be a pretty decent experience. We drove by my friend GF's house, went to a park that was closed, walked for an hour in the bridge, and then took the ferry back. They dropped me midtown, I took the train back from Pioneer Square station, that was a traumatic event I don't want to talk about anymore, yeah woke crowd come get me!

Back home I watched youtube for like thirty minutes and was just about to write when.

And then I got up at 7am the next morning. Lol yup, just like that I passed out. Nothing. It was fun, most restful sleep I have had in a long time, but woulda been better if floss and brush had been done before. Alas.

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