The Chief Secretary comes to the party

The Chief Secretary had said he might come, but he had prior engagements and he would likely not be able to make it, however he sent his regards. And he had sent in a nice bottle of Johnny Walker Whiskey, no doubt a re-gift, through his security guy, as a part favor the previous day.

The party however was abuzz with the possibility of the presence of the Chief Secretary, who had taken the position only five months ago. People recounted experiences of interactions with him, often quite indirect and brief. Somebody claimed to have stayed in the same room in Jomsom as he had, the hotel owner had made a point to tell him that the room had hosted the Secretary, only thrice weeks previously, apparently. Somebody else claimed to have a nephew who had gone to school with the Secretary's daughters, she was apparently two years below him but by all reports she was a hardworking studious girl who played the guitar during cultural shows and ran well during Sports day. Somebody else was friends with somebody who went to the same parlor as the Secretary's wife, and had seen her once. Madam was herself an accomplished social worker, but for current purposes, her relationship to the secretary was what mattered.

The host looked at his watch, it was half past eight, the invitation had been for seven. As stylish as it was for the bigwigs to be late, the Secretary was known for being punctual which in the parlance of the rich and powerful meant he was no late than an hour. This was far too late even for a Minister, no this was going to be it. The Secretary would not be coming. He cleared his throat and said, It's eight thirty now, the Secretary likes to be on time, he said he would try to come, he will likely not be able to make it, I will check with his PA tomorrow and thank him for the Whiskey, we should move on with the party.

The conversations all hushed down. Obviously nobody would have gotten a full conversation with the guest, but to be in his presence, to be able to tell people they had rubbed shoulders with the goddamn Chief Secretary of the Federal Government would have been a big deal. Perhaps an anecdote here or there, maybe something somebody said would catch his ears and he'd reply to them. That'd make for a party story for the ages, that time I met the Chief Secretary and he told me about his favourite tea shop and blend and now I go there all the time and by golly it's a great tea. No, but that was not to be on this occasion, hopes had to be calibrated.

Okay brother, let's cut the cake then, somebody shouted, the nephew is getting anxious!

The four yearold birthday boy looked eager at the mention of his name.

Just then there was a loud impatient car horn downstairs. Everybody invited had already shown up. This had to be the Secretary.

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