A recipe for disaster

1 aggressive CEO who's bad at PR management
5000 power-tripping moderators who don't understand the nature of their relationship
100, 000 forum users who don't have much to do except get carried away by the smallest of internet drama
100, 000, 000 Users who would rather all this unpleasantness would go away.
10 Big AI companies that basically steal all your data to create a competitors for you, without paying


1. Pretend you are an open and free platform so your future competitors feel comfortable in stealing all your data to train their proprietary models that they'll make profit off of, while you make nothing.

2. Realize actually you need to start making profit because the interest rates have increased, and the quickest way to dump this bag is to go public.

3. Start putting unreasonable requirements for API access.

4. Trigger the moderators who are legitimately affected because you didn't communicate clearly, but also they could also have taken a better approach.

5. Really, really trigger the overly-online group of losers whose primary hobby is to boycott all platforms online they use.

6. Become the news constantly, and have your forums be destroyed by the very moderators that created them.

7. Saturate the tech news, and your own pages, with news about yourself.

A hot steaming pile of disaster is ready to be served!

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