An incredible backfill barrage incoming

 I've alluded to it for long enough, so here's the meat and potatoes of the matter, the real deal.

I've basically not written anything for the first six months of the year. That's because of circumstances beyond my control (physically I mean, not mentally) but that's by-the-by. The truth is I don't like how it looks on the sidebar, with posts generally remaining constant around 1300 a year for the last three years, until now when it'll see a sudden downshift. Yeah, no-go. I need to make up for it. SO for the next couple of weeks I'll be spending two, maybe three hours every day backfilling blog posts for the lost five months.

And the sad thing is nobody will notice it because there won't be any new blog posts (well besides the regular daily ones) on the front pages. The numbers on the sidebar will be rising up gradually and then rapidly, and I'll be suffering for it, but it won't be apparent. That' what Krishna taught us to do I guess. I must do it because this is my dharma, to write on this blog, and not for the attention or feedback. Write without the expectation of being read, ever.

Yeah ideally I'll be done in three weeks. I suspect it'll take me a tad longer. I'll grow a bit insane in this time I don't doubt. They will be short, curt and all over the place, certainly. Besides the journal posts, which I intend to backfill first, and then go back with personal and creative posts, they won't directly reflect my mindset at the time but the mindset in retrospect. Which is fine, whatever that's how this blog has been working all these years. I'm curious as to how desperate I'll get and what strange things I'll do to get the daily postcount up because oh I'll need the assistance of cheats and hacks! Thinking of writing even during work hours because otherwise...ugh that'll be rough.

Wish me luck, see you on the other side!

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