It's late June and I have a heavy jacket on, what's this Seattle?!?

It's so so so cold, here in Seattle, the temperature has consistently been in the low teens for almost a week now, and sunny days have been rare. I know people aren't surprised but Seattle's actually quite hot or even sweltering in the summer, so this has been a bit of a shock. Yesterday I was out and about with my heavy winter jacket on and was quite cosy. There were other people on the train who had t-shirts and shorts on, I wonder what it'd look like to a stranger who didn't know any better and didn't know what the weather was like outside because we.were.allovertheplace.

And it's been regularly raining. It rained on the days preceding the weekend, it rained all weekend long, and it's supposed to rain today as well. I don't mind, as long as we get to see the sun every so often. It does make me lazy and make me not want to hangout with people, but rather this than the killer heat that makes me wish my apartment allowed air conditioners.

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