The seven different types of motel night-duty people you meet during roadtrips

  1.  The mean one who doesn't want to do anything to do with you but will also ask ID from every member of your party even when the corporate policy technically doesn't require it just for the feck of it.

  2. The overly friendly one who will ask you about your career, education, plans, how it's been, maybe even your personal life, so much so that you're worried that maybe they're hoping to set you up with their daughter or something.

  3. The really really confused type who doesn't know what's what, keeps fumbling for the keys, unsure what room you booked and which keys you need and needs four attempts to get everything right.

  4. The lazy and tired young person, possibly a student, who would very much rather not be there at all but has to because of either financial or family reasons and will help you not because it's their job, but because they're just nice human beings.

  5. Suspiciously good looking and well put-together people who you begin wondering about because surely they would find something better than be on the night-duty of a cheap motel in the middle of nowhere town that exists only because people need to shit and piss while they go between cities and towns where things happen.

  6. The excessively old person who's not doing this for the money but as a hobby to leverage it as an opportunity to talk to anybody who they can wrangle into one of their conversations.

  7. Poor migrant families who hope to leverage this into maybe one day owning the whole damn place and into greater upward social mobility.

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