How does one go about controlling the mid-day nap?

 Yesterday was supposed to the day when everything changed, I'd be writing 30-40 posts a day starting yesterday and working towards completing five months worth of backlog. Well...that didn't happen. I didn't write yesterday's posts at all. And didn't attend the writing meetup I'd signed up for. Just napped instead.

In my defense that's probably attributable to the goddamn large Potbelly's sandwich I ate, so many carbs and so fatty but ugh so yum yum yummy. And by the time I sat down I'd just about gotten around to digesting it and you know how it is, you feel sleepy you think you'll take a 15-min powernap and you wake up four hours later groggy confused and a little hungry, only to eat the half-a-sandwich left from the morning and go back to sleep.

To cut the long story short, one of the biggest downsides, if I may say so, of my incredibly favourable hours has been the midday naps that I don't need at all but take anyway and because i'm single and nobody to nag me I can't help but go all the way. The forbidden daynaps are so much deeper and satisfying than the evening sleep, which is often hard to come by. Probably due to the daynaps, but still.

The point is, what do we do about it, it needs to be taken care of, or else Imma be so very screwed.

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