Eleven reasons Yama, lord of the Pitri Lok would have an ax to grind against Indra

  1.  The Pitris are getting out of hand, who decided to give them all the benefits and powers as the gods, but with basically zero responsibilities, and why should he, Yama, King of the Dead be responsible.

  2. How is it that Indra gets to interfere with his work every so often, but it barely goes the other way round. Does he not understand that they're equal deities, lords of their own realms, and he's not the boss of Yama, like he always acts like he is?

  3. Speaking of which, who was it again that made Indra the King of Heaven, and why was he made so, and haven't times changed so that there's a need for a re-evaluation? It's not like he wants to rule over the heavenly realm, but there's many others, such as Chandra, who would be better rulers than the one with such short-temper.

  4. Oh the short temper, it is not suitable for the King of the Gods, the representative of heaven, the primary deity for receiving offerings from humans, to have such a short fuse, and yet he explodes at random times for barely an issue. Has it not been the case that Gods have gotten into far more troubles because of him?

  5. Is he really that much of a fighter than everybody else? What are his qualifications exactly that make him the head lord, that others don't have? Why must the trinity come down to save his ass everytime? Surely there's a lot of other candidates who didn't need to hold hands every so often.

  6.  The apsaras and gandharvas and maruts and the rest, those that have been coming up with...issues...in front of the court of Indra...do have a cause, why have there options been limited while Indra and his chums can do whatsoever their heart desires without seemingly any fear of consequences? Who is it that made them beyond Dharma, beyond bidhi, beyond the machinations of the universe?

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