Leaving Ogden, daytime hike, hurting, river crossing, lost in the desert, exploring the city of the lake of the salt, cheesecake factory and mormons, the state capitol, mindblowing animals and other beings at Antelope Island Park, leftover indian food at days inn [Thu 29]

 We left the questionable motel of Ogden early in the morning, and drove around a bit as I worked and had my meeting with work manager. After there was a bit of a lull at work, we parked at the parking lot of a popular hiking trail, and started walking. We didn't plan on it, but we must have walked for 2.5 hours at least, in the hot Utah Sun.

Hiking in Utah was not like anywhere else, so different from the NorthEast or the PNW. There were thorny cacti on the trail, you could run around in the mountains and get lost easily, which did happen, and so on and forth. We tried to follow the trail of a river and get to the big waterfall as seen on google, but we got lost, had to cross a pretty big stream on foot, I hurt myself and eventually we discovered...the fall. It was worth it.

We drove straight to Downtown SLC after, where we parked pretty much in the center of the city, which had detached houses with large yards. We explored the Mormon convention center where they tried converting us, then into the shopping mall where Cheesecake factory most certainly didn't win any of us over. I wanted creme brulee, got some other shit instead, it was just alright.

Tired of walking and being out in the sun, we drove over to the State Capitol of Utah and explored it for an hour or so. What I discovered was this: Utah is big on BEES. They're obsessed with BEES and their industriousness. Strange, but everybody's got their own thing.

It was quite late in the evening and I had no hopes of doing anything more interesting, but we drove to this state park called Antelope Island. Again, low expectations, and thinking the day was as good as done.

And then our mind were b.l.o.w.n Antelope Island State park is one of the places you absolutely have have have to go to near Salt Lake city, they've got several herd of Bison, elk, antelope and who even knows what else. We drove around for a couple of hours, and my eyes were never once tired.

Then right around sunset we went by this massive rock formation, and that was probably the best 'right place-right time' that's happened to me, entire life. The photos and selfies I took from the place are...unreal.

Oh yeah as all of this was happening there were billions of small bugs and other critter flying around and bothering us. Particularly A than me because he got bitten real real hard and got bumps all over his body for almost a week from this day.

A wanted to crash by nearby, but I proposed we get as far away from SLC as we could because the following day we could make it to Yellowstone, and so we did, drove for 90 minutes or so and ended up at a pretty decent Days Inn motel where the guy was kind and I saved 30 bucks by sitting down and making an online reservation right on spot instead.

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