Cheesecake factory is just meh

 Aky and I were in Downtown SLC which is cool-people talk for Salt Lake City, we ambled about the mall right in downtown city, and for some reason A wanted to go to the Cheesecake Factory. And we did.

He had the impossible burger thing, with fries subbed for salad. He didn't enjoy, or eat, the salad. I had the smores cheesecake. Too sweet, too rich, I had trouble finishing it. What I really wanted was creme brulee, which they didn't have. Bummer.

This is not cutting-edge biting social commentary, nor is it a novel realization. Even in these very pages surely I have written many a word about the fine establishment claiming to mass-produce the cakes of cheese. Regardless once again at another venue did I come to the rediscovery that Cheesecake factory is just...ok, not particularly good.

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