Buying spare phone etcetera to use as extra cameras for vlogging

 I'm thinking of buying cameras or camera phones as backup video cameras for my upcoming vlog which will be releasing...a couple of weeks after I film, and that will be...annyyy day nowww. No I'm kidding, it's going to happen for sure, just need to get like what, 500 posts out of the way, or at least 400, and I can start relaxing and working on other projects. At the rate of 30 posts a day which is an intense rate but not overly so, it'll take me to weeks to get in that state of mind. Until when my cameras and stands and phones will be delivered, and I'll be a-vloggin'!

I really hope this is one of my projects that works out because my creative output has been quite limited in recent days to basically this blog. I want to do more, I want to be more out there, learn more, be seen by people, and liked, preferably, but even if not, I'm happy as long as people are reading and consuming my creative works.

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