Eating well during road trips

This will be a short one.

When I'm on longish road-trips meals are often eaten on okay restaurants or at fast food joints. My tummy's barely in good order, and besides the rare taco-bell meal which gets boring after the second time in two days, there's never relishing the meals. Food becomes very functional...and not necessarily because of the time crunch. Risking a random little shack's food when you have places to be and toilets to avoid becomes a dangerous bet, something that's hard to justify when on the road.

This trip around I promised to us that I'd eat healthier. Buy bread, veggies etcetera, make my own tasty, healthy snacks and meals instead of eating trash. We bought watermelon in Costco for the very same reason. I've already sunk my teeth deep into the melon, for sure. But besides that there's not been much sammich-making and that's a bit disappointing. I'd rather eat food I made than something bought outside. So proud to be saying that.

More on this later as things progress. I'm not a picky eater, I eat whatever is thrown at me (besides meat obv). The bar to impress is just higher. That is all.

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