Morning work, continental breakfast, work from vehicle, Boise Idaho, meeting Apd, viet Pho, watermelon in the park, near-death, drive east, strangest inn in the world, writing [Tue 27]

I worked in the morning right from the hotel room until checkout time. At eight I went for the continental breakfast and had quite a sumptuous feast, relatively speaking. Two boiled eggs, two cups of yogurt, two pieces of toast with jam, two energy bars, a piece of fruit, and a cup of fruit juice. It was filling, what can I say.

Worked during the next couple of hours from our car, and it worked out a lot better than I'd hoped. Actually got more done than I otherwise would, which probably reveals something deep and important about me but ehhh I can't be assed to figure it out.

We eventually got to Boise Idaho, where we picked up Apd, who visited my place in Seattle last year, and went with her to Pho le, the vietnamese restaurant. I didn't want to eat, and definitely didn't want pho on that hot summer day, but I ordered anyway. It wasn't a very good pho and I wasted more than half of it.

Then we went to the park by Idaho river near where she lives, cut the watermelon with knife and utensils borrowed from her sightless neighbor, and really savored the cold juicy red water of the gods' gift to mankind.

Dropped Apd at her lab, and left the town. On our way out Aky didn't see the red light on the highway and cut through it halfway until I told him, and then he backed out. Fortunately nothing happened and nobody honked and hopefully he won't get a ticket but that was an eye-opening experience for him and he's been a different person since. It could have gone in a very very veryy different direction.

We kept driving east until we reached this small town of Blight or Bliss or wherever, and stayed at a super sketchy Inn that I've written in great detail on in a previous post.

Wrote for a couple of hours (!) in the evening before going to sleep. I'm glad the writing is working out, so very proud of myself. This evening is third in a row where I've written during circumstances outside my complete control. Good vibes, good times.

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