Grocery, walk, apartment cleanup, hungry and cheese sandwich, shiva research [Tue 13]

 Spent most of the work day ambling about, not particularly productively. After work I cleaned up my apartment, and by that I mean just the living room, dumping all the clothes and containers and everything that was unwanted into my bedroom hidden away from everybody else, for me to clean up the next day. The living room looks real nice, almost normal now.

There was not much to eat in the morning so i had desserts, and later went to trader joe's for a quick grocery run. Very low on energy. Bread and eggs basically. Oh and cheese. That's important. See I was so goddamn hungry I made two very heavy grilled cheese sandwiches, buttery cheesy and disgusting. Yummy. Had to dip the in spicy sauce because there was no other way.

Relaxed, watched some tv, did my prayer and went on my classic Volunteer walk run with podcasts on. The most relaxing activity of my life, possibly. Got home still very full, had some bananas, wrote on this blog, and downloaded like a couple of books for my Shiva research.

Oh yeah I didn't spend a lot of time writing, I forgot, I spent a large amount of time automating the download of a shiva book from archive library borrowing. As a way to distract myself. And when that wasn't enough, I distracted myself by finding similar books and searching for places to download them as well.

Went to sleep a bit later than the usual, but man the sleep was tight. Wise to not have drunk much tea 2 hours before sleeping. Need to remember it more.

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