My job description just became clear: I install software

I'm by job a software engineer sort of person, I have two degrees from prestigious well-recognized institutions that rank quite well globally. I work in a big company, one of the biggest, in one of the, if not THE most prestigious teams there. My subjects of study were intense and challenging, and intellectually rewarding. I'm paid decently, all things considered, lot less than what my compatriots in other companies make but that's a separate point.

What I do on a daily basis though, very few people ask me that. I was talking to SB at his place in va and we got talking, and the conversation of what my job actually entails came up. That was when the realization that my job is to install software came over me. I don't do complex algorithms, I don't do fancy math or cool graphics or even interesting design. My tools are limited in scope, my domain is very specific, and I install bespoke software within a hella lotta constraints and things are challenging often but boiled down, my job is to install software. Nothing more, nothing less. It gives me a whole new perspective on my life. Not necessary in a bad or sad way, but helps me see things more clearly. If I'm failing to even install software on a regular basis, clearly this might not be the sort of stuff I should pursue in depth. Or perhaps it is exactly where one should be?

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