Mash and soup with SBP's cousins, chill during the day, ED picks me up, Indian grocery shopping, jaulo-yogurt for dinner, at ED's place [Thu 8]

I'm writing these journal posts a month and a bit later, but then I have yet to write journals for Feb March April and May, so all things considered, I'm doing quite well here.

Had lunch of mash and muhsroom soup, the leftovers from earlier night's dinner. We had P's cousins and one of their boyfriends come hang with us for lunch. The boyfriend happened to work at a place I'd applied to multiple times for internship in college and never gotten in!

Hung out with the cousins and relaxed during the day.

In the evening ED came to pick me up, and off we went! We stopped by an Indian grocery store, and I got some juice.

Had jaulo and yogurt for dinner at ED's, and this was to be my home for the remainder of three days that would be my Virginia stay.

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