Shiva the javelin guy

 He is the Herdsman, or the Huntsman. He is the destroyer, the cleaner, the reaper of universe's grains. He runs and he uses his sharp weapons to hunt and fight.

What he is not, is he is not a body-builder. He is not a wrestler. He does not spend hours perfecting the shape of his body, working on his quads and abs and shoulders. There is no time in all eternity for him to focus on perceptions. Rather the opposite, he is an ascetic, he gives very little shit about what other people see him as and how he is perceived. He has often gone so far as to present himself so as to be perceived negatively.

The incel gym-bros have appropriated shiva, or tried to, in the South Asian subcontinent. Oh how little they know him! In our modern world he would resemble a javelin thrower, or a shortputter, perhaps even a long-distance runner most closely. They reflect on him their dreams and desires of themselves, forgetting completely his existing identity and symbology. Oh those poor sods!

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