Settling down, pasta pasta, cleaning and exploring, so much chatGPT [Mon 12]

 Worked for the majority of the day.

Cooked pasta in the morning, and had it for lunch and dinner. It was nothing to write home about, frozen veggies, decent sauce, first time i've had to make pasta pasta all for myself. Didn't have no cheese either so used my kefir cheese powder, which was fine whatever, but it disappeared far too easily. No texture for the cheese. It fed me, and it wasn't inedible. I set too high standards for myself and in the end mostly don't attempt anything because any reasonable performance is a disappointment. Issues issues issues.

AS had stored his and AKS's cloths and shit all over the place, I unwound everything, created a big messy ...mess of clothes and cartons everywhere, got my trusty old laptop working and started writing. Fuck I didn't realize how much I'd missed my laptop before that. I should write about that.

Discovered my water pump, turned it into a silly little hidden water feature. Wrote an email I should have written a month ago after taking a cup of kava. It helped the nerves. Started praying again. Used incense stick. Rituals are important, I've realized.

In the evening I should have gotten out on walk, but explored chatGPT instead, used it to generate a list of 50 topics to present for my vlog on Hindu mythologies and practices. Cool shit, it's quite good at certain very specific tasks, and really stupid for most others no matter how hard you try coaxing it.

Kinda late to go to sleep, wasn't good. Didn't do dishes either. Should definitely not have drank so much tea in the evening right before bed because ugh getting up at 3am kinda sucked.

Maaaan I'm having a good time. I'm ashamed of what a good time I'm having in my place, in my town, even before meeting my people. This rocks but also kinda' embarrassing no? Like what is it that I'm enjoying so much?

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